It was cold as hell outside while I was waiting on the last bus to a distant land far-far away called "Crystal"... Yet, I couldnt really tell. I only gather that it was cold from all the innocent people shivering and bitchin'
while we all stood under a building on 7th and Nicollet. or was that 8th?
I forget...
Yeah, must have my adrenaline from shuttin' down that Open Mic at 5th Element 15 minutes ago. For those of you who dont know, The 5th Element is a record store Uptown Minneapolis but they have Open Mic's and such every thursday..
I had got there just late enough to make Emcee #20 on the sign up sheet. "KNOWONE" in plain bold letters cause the host, Medium Zach kinda said my name wrong last time I was there.
Well, he'd say it right this time but it just so happens they called me up with 3 other dudes because 5th Element closes at 9:00. 20 Emcee's..Well, 17 by my count because there were some wack ass trapstar rappers in there - But 20 emcee's, 5 minutes a slot. I got there with Susan around say... 7:40ish?... if you do the math correctly, by the time 9:00 got around there was still 4 cats left on the list. Me, two rappers, and a singer. A minute a piece..
I had Medium Zach cut the beat cause i was goin' last...
I should have had someone record me but I didnt...against my better judgement.
Well, I hear-tell I "Killed it". Nuff said'
Well, all that followed my little observation of the Canvas. I didnt get to spit, which led to my mouth watering like a mad dog to spit at the 5th Element. Yeah... I left early. Well, at least I was able to play journalist at the venue's. It was interesting watching the baby emcee's spit at the Canvas.

But as im filming, this baby emcee points at the camera as if she'd done it before. Like she's "talking to her fan's" on the other side. And i thought to myself "where did she learn to do that?"
"How did she know to do something so HIPHOP?"
Well, It was an interesting night either way. Some unorthodox characters turned up at the 5th element to spit...and...
Maybe im selfish... I kind of want to talk about myself right now. To be honest im feeling like im... eh... I'll tell ya later. Im just... goin' through some stuff...
Damn I need a girlfriend...