But anyway, I'd arrived later than I expected to because I had to spend 20-30 minutes finding the Coffman Theater (U of M) where the event was being held; found myself walking up and down Washington Avenue through all the college students, too pessimistic to ask directions. O'course, I had shown up to spit but... It was too late to sign up once I actually did find the place; found the Coffman Theater address on a Newspaper someone had left lying around. Therefore, I didnt make the list. However... for whatever reason, I did spit..
Oh! Before I continue on with the story, which I am telling as of May 3rd, check this shit I wrote down when I actually was there back in April:
"This sucks. Im here all alone. Everyone knows eachother and I dont know anyone...
Watching DJ Mixwell live engineer the show...
Guess I've got no choice then. I must give my brain and life to the Elements of HipHop. Breakdance, Emceein' Deejayin', Graffiti. This is the only future I can see myself existing in. Walkging through the campus I couldnt see a vision of myself as a student like these people. I feel my potential is for something else... I cannot see myself working a fast-food restaurant or some retail chump.. Cutting my hair!?... Guess thats not very mature or civilized of me.. Guess that makes me a motherfucking outlaw.
I... wonder if i can live gig to gig... Trading comfort for freedom and not knowing where the next meal will come from... living in a way that Is unorthodox to the traditional adult because it feels good."
Yeah, Not sure where I was going with that. And my Grammar was a tad off...
Something went wrong with a guitar input for this one girls performance... So while they were getting their technical difficulties sorted out, one of the hosts asks if anyone wants to come up and spit; and it was like they were talking to me in particular!
Im serious, the fact that that girl's performance just HAPPENED to be having some trouble at that moment... I dont know why but... well... and I hesitate to say/write this but... I feel like there's - Ok look, let me preface this: Im not trying to sound crazy but, I think there's some Divine Intervention stuff going on around here... And you might laugh at this next statement because it seems like common knowledge but, im starting to notice that when when I show up at Hip Hop Gatherings... STUFF HAPPENS !
Stuff that isnt planned out...
Spontaeneous stuff...
Look, I went to that event to spit and see that girl again... and you know what happened when that desire became impossible? An unforeseen circumstance was created that allowed me to rip the mic and then that girl came and talked to me!..
I dont know... am I just mystifying things that happen all the time? I feel like Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction after they murdered those dudes in their own apartment, got shot at by the one guy hiding in the bathroom...who emptied the clip at them from no more than 10 feet away and yet missed every shot. You know, the scene where they look down slowly to see that they weren't hit and then shoot the guy back... Killed him dead.
And Vincent goes over to ask Marvin, the guys friend, "Why the fuck didnt you tell us someone was in the bathroom? Slip your mind? Did you forget someone was in there with a god damn hand cannon!?"
Still analyzing and in awe, Jules is all like "Did you see the size of that gun he fired at us? It was bigger than HIM..." he looks back at the five or six 50-caliber bullet holes in the wall behind him and says, "We should be fucking dead man.."
To which Vincent replies, " I know...we was lucky..."
And thus, A dialogue ensues between these two. A dialogue that im having with myself at this very moment because I don't know what to believe... Was it destiny or was I just a victim of circumstance? It's like watching a battle between things that are supposed to happen vs. things that have to happen...
And so Jules continues on: "Nah... nah that shit wasnt luck..." He pauses... then states, "This was Divine Intervention. Do you know what divine intervention is?"
"I think so...That means that god came down from heaven and stopped the bullets?"
"Thats right! Thats EXACTLY what it means; God came down from heaven and stopped these motherfucking bullets.."
"I think its time for us to leave, Jules."
"Dont do that! Dont fucking blow this shit off. What just happened here was a fucking miracle!"
"Chill Jules, this shit happens.."
"Wrong! Wrong! This shit doesnt just happen!"
"Do you want to continue this theological discussion in the car, or in a jailhouse with the cops?"
"We should be fucking dead my friend! What happened here was a miracle and I want you to fucking acknowledge it!"
I feel like HipHop is Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction demanding I acknowledge that it was a motherfucking miracle.. But the John Travolta side of me needs more evidence..
Quit your whining and always show up to a gig early ---even if you don't go in right away.
ReplyDeleteGigging is blue collar work, dude, no matter how deep u r.