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Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Cause - Showboating

Let me see, this is a about a week ago. I wish I would have written this wicked shit when it was still fresh. I feel stress...
Rhyming while I type is hard not to do because im listening to this damn beat in these new Skullcandy headphones I bought from Studiyo23 the other day. Okay okay okay.... get on point Mr. O.D.

Well i've made friends with a Emcee named Rich Garvey through my adventures at Fifth Element. He's cool. I shot a Music Video for him that I just started editing. It'll be called "Smile". Thats not an advertisement for you to go see the video when its broadcast on Vimeo and Youtube in early July (Sarcasm). That would be in bad taste.

Yo, Guess what.... Video and Photo's for this post! OOOOHHH SHIT SON!!!
I'll get into the story in Just a moment, I decided to make a F.A Update Section for my blog entries as well as my story telling.
Having said that. There is also video footage for the "Soundset" blog entry from last month. So... you can check that out and uh.... thats pretty much it.

So. Showboating; not cool. It was 9:00pm. Actually, I think this was the same night as graduation night in the "Never Land" post... I was just about to kick-back when Rich calls my phone and tells me I can come through; he got me on the guest list. I decided to come as "press". Which is a term I just learned how to start using.

See photographers, journalists and Videographers get alot of slide-throughs because the venue likes "press". Press is photo's and articles and video's about someone or something. The more press you have, the more "buzz" you have. The more buzz you have, the more business you get. Considering its good press.

But, I guess if you were the owner of a club, you'd expect to get some pretty bad press if you were turning journalists away from the door...So I guess its very kiss-assy relationship. And now that I think about it, I always see photographers just "there" sometimes. And journalists, who are probably the photographers, seem to just get to go wherever they want to. "Press" is an interesting hat to wear. People just seem to extend that handshake to you. You walk up to the door, flash a "all access" writstband or card at the bouncer and voile'!; In ya go yo.

I guess its inversely related; the more press (advertisement) you have, the more people you get in the doors to drink your drinks and eat your eats. Also, I guess you wouldnt want to war with someone who buys ink by the barrel... Because "City Pages" and "Vitamin!" are right down the street. And so are all the early-morning latte' drinkers.
Huh, look at me breaking down the city politics.

Woah... Got a little aimless there. Okay, Quality and I drive down to The Cause, Uptown and park in the Intermedia Arts parking lot. Walk up the street to The Cause and got lost... right in front of it. Found it and the bouncer asks to see my I.D and I panic a little bit.
"Im on the guest list I think..."
"I still have to see your I.D"
"Um... just a moment."
I put my camera down and walk to the side with Quality. Pull out my cellphone and I call Rich up because he's already inside. His boy Vincent (I think thats his name) said so.
"Yeah, he's gonna I.D you and then he should let you in."
"Oh ok"
The bouncer says he cant let me in though; Im under 21. Rich is like super apologetic after I call him and tell him what the bouncer had just told me. It was like 10:00 so he had like an hour before his performance was beginning. He came and sat with us and we "talked shop" (ooooh, learnin' some cool lingo are we?).
So those were the rules. "No minor's allowed". The city says so because the law says so. And civilians have to abide by the law. If that venue's gonna be servin' liquor, and liquor aint for those who are under 21 years of age, then that venue wont be having any civilians under 21 years of age at their establishment. Too bad.
Too bad there's another society of civilians unlike the 9 to 5 city folk. Theyre called "artist". They talk different, they walk different, they think different and they have their own rules. So thats how I found myself inside of The Cause an hour later performing on stage with Rich. I saw another door that I didnt see before. and some guy.... opens it for me and I sneak in.
I find a quiet place amongst all those "21-or-over-year-olds" and chill.

I felt bad leaving though. After Rich got up to perform we had a on-stage freestyle session. I dont feel I did very good (as usual). But whats really bothering me is that I feel: 1. that I was hogging the mic and 2. that I embarrassed a friend named Mammoth who was also freestyling with us.
I think its because Im not like the others. Other emcee's I mean. I wasnt trying to "hog the mic". When im freestyling (which is hard, mind you) im trying to "sound out a punch-line" and... ugh... this shit is probably getting boring, im gonna stop writing now.

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